Sailor's Ghost

Name: Unknown

Actor: Steve Lawlor


  • ???? - 1859 (hung)
  • 1859 - 2007 (dispatched when he reunites with the brother who had him killed)

Occupations: Sailor, Vengeful Spirit

Episode: 3.06 Red Sky at Morning


I’ve I.D.ed the ship It’s the Espírito Santo, a merchant vessel. Quite a colorful history. In 1859 a sailor was accused of treason he was tried aboard ship in a kangaroo court and hanged. He was 37.

– Bela, 3.06 Red Sky at Morning

The captain who ordered the execution was the man's brother. The sailor's right hand was removed and made into a Hand of Glory. Every 37 years the ghost would appear and kill people, by drowning them on dry land, who had been responsible for the death of a family member.


  • Vengeful Spirits
  • Ghosts