James Haggerty
Name: James Haggerty
Actor: Gildart Jackson
Occupation: Men of Letters
Episode: 9.04 Slumber Party
James Haggerty was one of the first two Men of Letters to enter the Bunker, along with Peter Jenkins. In stark contrast to Jenkins, upon entering the Bunker, Haggerty had a more apathetic view of their assignment, remarking that the Bunker was a "dump." Six months later, Dorothy arrives looking for help in killing the Wicked Witch of the West. During their research - the Wicked Witch frees herself of her bonds, and takes possession of of Jenkins, forcing Haggerty to kill him. As he makes his way to the lab to assist Dorothy, he sees bright flash coming from the room, but when he opens the door he finds the room empty.
Haggerty keeps Dorothy's file open, and spends his career until his retirement, trying to find a way to save her and stop the Wicked Witch. At some point, he learns that poppy seed extract can harm the the Wicked Witch, and goes about making a deal with a fairy to procure some. It's that poppy seed extract that is used by Sam, Dean, Charlie Bradbury and Dorothy in 2013 to fight the Wicked Witch in the form of poppy seed bullets.
- Interview with Gildart Jackson by The Examiner