Bobby Singer
Name: Robert Steven Singer
Alias: Bobby
Actors: Jim Beaver; Collin MacKenchie (Young Bobby in 7.10)
- ???? - 2010 (killed by Lucifer/resurrected by Castiel)
- 2010 - 2012 (killed by Dick Roman)
Location: Heaven
Occupations: Hunter, Mechanic
Episodes: Various throught season 1-8, see below
For me, the character was avuncular, paternal and crusty and at that point of the show I was sort of this young lieutenant in homicide, vomiting in the corner. The two people that were like father-figures and showing me the ropes were Bob (Singer) and Kim (Manners). Actually the character’s name originally was ‘Bobby Manners’. But when the name went through legal clearance they said that there was a real ‘Bobby Manners’ that lived in South Dakota. And if legal finds things like that, you have to change the name. So I made it ‘Singer.’ And Bob, to his eternal chagrin, wasn’t in that day. And when he came back he was all ‘what the hell is this?!’ At that point it was a done deal. And that’s how Bobby Singer got his name.
– Eric Kripke, Paleyfest 2011
Bobby Singer was a hunter, close friend and father figure to Sam and Dean Winchester.
Bobby grew up with an abusive father, who Bobby shot and killed when he was a teenager while protecting his mother. Bobby buried his father in the salvage yard.
A mechanic by trade, Bobby became a hunter after he had to kill his wife Karen Singer when she was possessed by a demon. Rufus Turner is the hunter who exorcised the demon and helped cover up Karen's death. It was Rufus who introduced Bobby to the world of the supernatural, and they hunted together for many years until a hunt went wrong in Omaha around 1993. They become estranged after this although they had contact and some reconciliation from 2008 until Rufus' death in 2011.
Bobby's guilt over Karen's death causes her to inhabit his dreams. She is later resurrected by Death and turns into a zombie and he has to kill her again, which causes him more grief.
Bobby has known the Winchesters since at least 1991 - he gave an 8-year-old Sam an amulet as a Christmas present for his father, which he eventually gave to Dean. Bobby also played catch with Dean, and took the brothers deer hunting. John Winchester and Bobby were not necessarily on good terms - Dean comments that the last time Bobby saw John he nearly "filled him with buckshot." It is to Bobby's place that Sam and Dean go to grieve after John's death. After this Bobby's relationship with the Winchesters grows even closer, and he becomes both father figure and friend.
When Sam and Dean try to go after Lilith without him, Bobby tells them "Family don't end with blood, boy." and more than once Dean tells Bobby he's like a father to him. Bobby has listed Dean as his official next of kin. In 2009, Bobby is paralyzed from the waist down after stabbing himself with Ruby's knife to overcome his own demonic possession when Meg orders him to kill Dean.
Bobby sells his soul to Crowley in exchange for information on Death's location. Crowley also makes it possible for Bobby to walk again. He says that he will return Bobby's soul after Lucifer is defeated. It is later revealed that Bobby was given the standard ten years to live until his soul is dragged to Hell. Bobby is able to trick Crowley and negotiate the return of his soul.
Sam visits Bobby on his release from Lucifer's Cage, and Bobby agrees to keep Sam's return a secret from Dean, who Bobby sees at having a chance at a normal life. Following his reunion with Sam, Dean (worried because of Sam's cold and relentless behavior) calls on Bobby for support. A soulless Sam later turns their closeness against Bobby when Balthazar tells Sam that the spell to keep his soul from being returned requires the blood of his father but that needn't come from the "father of your blood," and he tries to kill Bobby. Following the return of Sam's soul, Bobby finds it initially difficult to be around Sam because of this assault.
Bobby continued to work with Sam and Dean hunting the Mother of Monsters - Eve. While possessed by a creature she created, he kills his old friend Rufus Turner.
Bobby is the first one to voice concerns about Castiel's activities, and is with Sam and Dean when Castiel appears. He helps to send the souls back to Purgatory, and tries to keep Sam and Dean grounded in the aftermath of losing Castiel, Sam's hallucinations, and the appearance of the leviathans.
After being shot by Dick Roman, the leader of the leviathans, Bobby lapses into a coma and dies. His last word is an affectionate "Idjits" to Sam and Dean. However, Bobby refuses to go with his reaper, remaining on Earth as a spirit to help the Winchesters, when he is able. However, after becoming a vengeful spirit temporarily, he asked Sam and Dean to put him to rest, which they did. His last request was for them not to give into vengeance like he did and when their time came, to move on.
Unfortunately, instead of going to Heaven where he belonged once his flask was burned, on Crowley's orders, rogue reaper Ajay takes Bobby to Hell instead where he is tortured by demons in the visage of Sam and Dean taunting him. Eventually, the real Sam rescues him and releases Bobby's soul unto Heaven where it belongs with help from the angel Naomi.
Life & Habits
This is Bobby Singer’s direct hotline. You should not have this number.
– Bobby's voicemail, 7.02 Hello, Cruel World
Since the death of his wife Karen Singer, the only other romantic interests in Bobby's life that we've met are Eleanor Visyak and Annie Hawkins. His neighbor Marcy Ward expresses an interest in him, but a messy incident with an okami ends any possibility of a relationship.
Bobby has extensive knowledge of the supernatural, and is well-known and generally well-regarded by other hunters such as Gordon Walker, Kubrick, Rufus Turner, Olivia Lowry, Isaac and Tamara among others. He also knows Ellen and Jo Harvelle. According to Jo's Journal, Bobby frequented the Roadhouse from around 1993.
Bobby's reputation around Sioux Falls is that of a troublesome old drunk, but following his role in quashing a zombie uprising, the local sheriff, Jody Mills, comes to develop a friendship with him, that appears to have the potential to become romantic; with one kiss is exchanged prior to his death.
Bobby reads and speaks Japanese and has visited Japan. He also speaks a few words of French.
Bobby is often seen with a Colt Single Action Army revolver, presumably chambered in the .45 Colt caliber.
Favorite expletives are "Idjit" - usually in relation to Sam and Dean, and in fact his last word - and "Balls!" He is known to like pedicures and enjoys watching the reality show Tori & Dean.
Bobby owns Singer Salvage Yard (also seen written as Singer Auto Self Service Salvage Yard, on a sign in 2.02 Everybody Loves a Clown), and lives in a house on the premises. It is located in South Dakota (as confirmed by Dean), near the town of Sioux Falls.
Bobby has lived at Singer Salvage Yard since he was married to Karen. It is here the Impala is towed after she is wrecked, and where Dean repairs her on at least three occasions.
Bobby's house contains many esoteric books on lore and religion. Bobby has a wall of at least five cordless phones in the kitchen, each labeled with a different government agency and alias. When a hunter is pretending to work for the FBI or other agency, they give a number to one of the phones and Bobby answers as their superior. For floor plans see Bobby Singer's House Floorplan
The basement is an unfinished storage space except for a large ghost and demon proof panic room, which Bobby built during “a weekend off.” Over time, Bobby has made other modifications to the house. Sometime after 5.15 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, Bobby placed a trap door in front of the hall closet that can be triggered by a lever inside the closet. The trap door opens into the basement, which he equipped with a steel core door and titanium kick plate.
He had a dog called Rumsfeld who was killed by Meg.
Bobby owns a blue Ford tow-truck with Lawrence County, South Dakota plates: 9NO-3L1. This is probably a reference to Jim Beaver's role in the HBO Western drama Deadwood. Deadwood is the county seat of Lawrence County. In season three he also drives a 1971 Chevelle.
Bobby gets people to drink holy water to test whether they are possessed - he first does this to Dean when he and Sam are trying to find where Meg is holding their father. He gives Sam beer laced with it when Sam is possessed and Ellen has to drink a holy water shot after she escapes the demon attack on the Roadhouse. When Dean returns from the dead in 4.01 Lazarus Rising, Bobby throws holy water in his face, even though Dean has cut himself with a silver blade to show he is human.
In season seven, the house was burned down by the leviathan Edgar.
1.22 Devil's Trap
With John held captive by the demons, the boys turn to Bobby for help. He gives Sam the Key of Solomon. When Meg turns up at his house, they restrain her using a devil's trap painted on the ceiling. It is Bobby who alerts the boys to the fact that Meg is not a demon herself, but a woman possessed by one. After the demon is exorcised, and Meg dies, Bobby agrees to dispose of her body and deal with the authorities (he had already placed a 911 call).
2.01 In My Time of Dying
With John held captive by the demons, the boys turn to Bobby for help. He gives Sam the Key of Solomon. When Meg turns up at his house, they restrain her using a devil's trap painted on the ceiling. It is Bobby who alerts the boys to the fact that Meg is not a demon herself, but a woman possessed by one. After the demon is exorcised, and Meg dies, Bobby agrees to dispose of her body and deal with the authorities (he had already placed a 911 call).
2.02 Everybody Loves a Clown
Although Bobby is not present in this episode, Sam and Dean are staying with him as they recover from their wounds, and the death of their father. Dean uses Bobby's tools to repair the Impala. They have been there a week at the beginning of the episode. Bobby lends them a van (which makes Dean feel like a "soccer mom") when they drive to meet Ellen at the Roadhouse.
2.14 Born Under a Bad Sign
When Sam is possessed by the Meg!Demon, he turns up at Bobby's place, intending to kill him. However Bobby is alerted to the demon's presence when it reacts to holy water he has spiked Sam's beer with. Again, the demon is restrained under the devil's trap, but this time the exorcism Dean attempts fails because the demon has bound itself to Sam's body with a brand. The demon is expelled when Bobby burns across the brand with a hot poker.
Bobby is aware Sam killed another hunter, Wandell, while possessed, and advises the boys to leave before other hunters find them. He gives them each a charm to ward off possession.
2.15 Tall Tales
Unable to make heads or tails of their Springfield hunt and divided by recent conflicts, Sam and Dean turn to Bobby for help. Bobby joins them on the hunt. Listening to their account of the case, he figures out that a Trickster is the culprit, and responsible for fanning hostility between the brothers.
2.21 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1
When Sam disappears, Dean turns to Bobby for help. Together they search for Sam, and find the burnt out ruins of the Roadhouse. After Dean receives the vision of Sam's location, it is Bobby who deciphers that the town is Cold Oak. When they arrive there, Bobby pursues Jake after he stabs Sam, but loses him in the woods.
2.22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2
Bobby tries to look after Dean in the wake of Sam's death, but Dean pushes him away in anger. Bobby responds with understanding, and leaves. When Dean and Sam turn up at Bobby's, he immediately knows Dean has made some deal to resurrect Sam. Out in the middle of his junkyard he confronts Dean, and is upset when he learns Dean only has a year to live. His affection for Dean is clear, when he despairs that Dean doesn't value his own life.
When Ellen appears, having escaped the demon attack on the Roadhouse, Bobby makes her drink a shot of holy water to ensure she is not possessed. Bobby is part of the effort to stop the opening of the Devil's Gate in Wyoming, and it is he and Ellen who actually close it.
3.01 The Magnificent Seven
Bobby tracks down a possible omen in Nebraska, and the boys join him to investigate. They meet Tamara and Isaac, a married hunter couple Bobby knows. While Bobby urges caution, they are attacked by demons and Isaac is killed. Bobby works out that the demons are the Seven Deadly Sins, and with Sam, Dean and Tamara and the intervention of a mysterious girl, the demons are trapped and Bobby exorcises them.
3.02 The Kids Are Alright
At the beginning of the episode, Sam is on the phone to Bobby as they try to translate an ancient document.
3.03 Bad Day at Black Rock
After finding John's lock-up has been broken into, the boys contact Bobby, who confirms that he built the curse boxes, one of which has been stolen. Later, he explains the curse of the rabbit's foot and starts researching how to destroy it. During this conversation, he appears to be working on the Colt. After Bela steals the rabbit's foot, Bobby identifies her to Dean, and tracks down her address for him. Finally, Bobby provides Sam and Dean with a ritual which destroys the rabbit's foot and breaks its curse.
3.04 Sin City
Bobby is working on the Colt, with Dean's help. After the boys leave for Ohio, he is test firing the Colt, when Ruby appears, and offers to help turn it back into a demon-killing weapon. Summoned by Sam he arrives to help, only to be struck down by Father Gil. At the end of the episode he reassures Dean that Sam is okay - that nothing has changed since he came back from the dead.
3.08 A Very Supernatural Christmas
Sam consults with Bobby over the phone - he tells they are not dealing with an "anti-Santa" but with a pagan god. He later advises them that evergreen stakes will kill the god.
We learn that Bobby's association with the Winchesters goes back to at least 1991. Sam refers to him as Uncle Bobby, and it is Bobby who gives Sam the amulet as a present for John Winchester, but which Sam gives to Dean.
3.10 Dream a Little Dream of Me
Bobby is investigating the death of a doctor who researched sleep disorders when he mysteriously lapses into a coma. On investigation, Sam and Dean find the culprit is Jeremy Frost, a patient of the doctor who was unable to dream until the doctor gave him African Dream Root.
Sam and Dean take some of the herb themselves in order to enter Bobby's dream and rescue him. In the dream they find Bobby having a nightmare about his wife. Before Bobby knew about the world of the supernatural, his wife has possessed, and he killed her. Dean manages to convinces Bobby he is only dreaming and he awakes.
Bobby works with the boys and Bela Talbot to track down Jeremy Frost.
3.11 Mystery Spot
After Dean dies, seemingly for real, on the Wednesday, Sam becomes obsessed with finding the Trickster, while ruthlessly hunting other evil across the country. Bobby calls him, worried about him. Finally Sam responds to a call from Bobby that he has found a way to summon the Trickster. Bobby says they need blood for the ritual - fresh blood. While Sam apparently seems willing to go and kill someone, Bobby offers himself as a sacrifice. Sam stabs him with a wooden stake - this is not Bobby but an illusion of the Trickster.
3.15 Time Is on My Side
Bobby calls Dean with a lead on Bela, who he has been told his contacts to keep an eye out for. An old hunter acquaintance, Rufus Turner, has called with news that she has been in contact with him.
3.16 No Rest for the Wicked
Bobby finds a way to locate Lilith. After giving her location to the boys, they obtain Ruby's knife and prepare to leave to go after her. Bobby has disabled the Impala, and argues that he must go with him, because "there's more to family than blood," and that they need him. After Dean kills a demon possessing a police officer, Bobby explains that because Dean is close to going to Hell, he can see their true faces.
When they arrive at the house where Lilith is, Bobby blesses the water in the sprinkler system, so that when the sprinklers activate the keep the demons in the neighborhood at bay. Bobby is not present during the finale encounter between the boys and Lilith.
4.01 Lazarus Rising
When Dean shows up on his doorstep, Bobby at first tries to kill him, convinced it must be a supernatural being and not Dean. Dean finally convinces him after cutting himself with a silver knife. From the number of empty liquor bottles, it's obvious Bobby has had a hard time since Dean died and Sam left. He accompanies Dean to find Sam. He then takes the boys to meet an old friend, the psychic Pamela Barnes, who is blinded during a séance by Castiel. Dean then convinces Bobby to help him summon Castiel. When they do Castiel renders Bobby unconscious so he can speak to Dean alone.
4.02 Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
Sam and Dean are staying at Bobby's, discussing the implications of Castiel's revelations, when Bobby becomes concerned that a hunter and friend, Olivia Lowry, is not returning his calls. When the three go to check on her they find her dead, apparently from a supernatural being. When they find other hunters in the area also dead, they head back to Bobby's place.
Here they are confronted by the ghosts of people they all failed to save. Bobby is attacked by two young twin girls, who accuse him of failing to find and save them from a "monster." They hide Bobby in an old car in Bobby's yard, and are suffocating him when he is saved by Sam.
They take refuge in Bobby's panic room and Bobby determines they are dealing with Witnesses. They leave the room and he performs a spell to return the spirits to rest.
4.06 Yellow Fever
Sam calls Bobby, who thinks the boys are dealing with ghost sickness, in which a spirit literally infects a person with fear, which intensifies until the victim's heart gives out. Bobby theorizes that if the ghost that started the infection is destroyed, the sickness should clear up.
As Dean's "infection" worsens, Bobby meets Sam at the wood mill. Bobby reveals that he is fluent in Japanese, and identifies Luther Garland as a "burubaru," which can be killed with fear. Sam lures Luther out of hiding by destroying his drawings of Jessie O'Brien. He then wraps an iron chain inscribed with a spell word around Luther's neck, while Bobby drags him behind the Impala until he dissipates -- a "terrible" plan that both dislike, but which they feel is their only option.
4.10 Heaven and Hell
The boys, Ruby and Anna take refuge at Bobby's place. He is apparently in the Caribbean.
4.14 Sex and Violence
Sam contacts Bobby to help with their case. He provides backup to Sam and Dean's FBI cover story by phone identifying himself as their superior, Mike Kayser. He identifies the culprit as a siren, which needs to be killed with a bronze knife dipped in the blood of someone under its spell. Just as Sam and Dean, both infected, are being forced to fight to the death, Bobby arrives, stabs Dean with a bronze knife and then uses it to kill Nick Munroe - the siren, saving Sam from being killed by Dean and breaking the spell over both. Bobby later comforts them on being tricked by the siren and berates them for not checking on Nick Munroe to see if he was actually real like Bobby did.
4.17 It's a Terrible Life
Dean Smith says that his father's name is Bob, referencing Bobby's place in the real Dean's life as a father figure.
4.20 The Rapture
After Dean sees Sam drink demon blood during the battle with the demons, Dean arranges with Bobby for him to call Sam, and say that he needs to see them. When they get to Bobby's place, he pretends to show them something in his panic room, but it is a ruse to trap Sam in there.
4.21 When the Levee Breaks
Bobby helps Dean keep Sam in his panic room to help him withdraw from the effects of the demon blood. He gets a call from Rufus Turner alerting him that more of the 66 Seals have been broken. He challenges Dean a couple of times about keeping Sam locked up - he fears it may kill him. "He's like a son to me" he tells Dean. When Castiel releases Sam, Bobby catches him trying to sneak out and tries to stop him, but when he can't shoot him Sam gets away. As Dean takes off after him, Bobby begs him to bring him back, and not push him away.
4.22 Lucifer Rising
Following their terrible fight, Dean withdraws and refuses to contact Sam. Bobby pushes him, and accuses him of behaving like his father, calling John Winchester a coward for not reaching out to Sam after they argued when Sam left for Stanford. Bobby says Dean is a better man than that, and there is no doubt Bobby gets through to Dean.
5.01 Sympathy for the Devil
Bobby meets up with Sam and Dean, bringing the Impala with him, in order to help decode Chuck's message about "Michael's Sword." When Sam confesses that his killing Lilith freed Lucifer, Bobby coldly tells him that once the hunt is over, he wants nothing to do with Sam. Sam leaves to do some research. While researching further, Dean gets an idea, and going through some of John's old things. He finds a receipt for a storage facility that fits the message from Chuck.
Bobby attacks and restrains Dean - he too is possessed. A woman arrives with two henchman. It is Meg, the demon that once worked with Azazel and possessed Sam. Meg says the demons want Dean dead so he can't stop Lucifer. She orders the possessed Bobby to kill Dean with Ruby's Knife, but just as he is about to strike, Bobby manages to battle the demon and stab himself instead. Sam returns and helps dispatch the other two demons, but the Meg escapes by leaving her vessel.
Sam and Dean drop off a gravely injured Bobby at the hospital. When Zachariah tries to coerce Dean into allowing himself to be the archangel Michael's vessel, he offers to heal Bobby but Dean refuses.
Later a doctor tells Bobby he won't walk again. As the boys leave, Bobby tells Sam it was the demon talking earlier, and that he would never cut Sam out of his life.
5.02 Good God, Y'All!
Bobby is still wheelchair-bound and in the hospital. He hasn't spoken in days. When Castiel turns up, Bobby asks to be healed, but Castiel says he can't - he is cut off from Heaven's power. Bobby gets pissed off at Cas and tells him that when he finds God, to ask him to heal Bobby.
5.03 Free to Be You and Me
Bobby is back at his house still in a wheelchair when Sam calls him, telling him that there are what appears to be demonic omens near Sam's location. He asks Bobby if he knows any hunters that would be willing to check out the situation, but Bobby retaliates, suggesting that Sam himself should investigate. Sam eventually hangs up on him.
5.07 The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
Patrick is a 900-year-old witch who plays poker with people, gambling with years of their life. Bobby gambles with him, hoping to regain the use of his legs, but loses. When he takes 25 years from Bobby, Dean plays and donates 25 of his own years to Bobby, and loses an additional 50.
As they try and work out how to reverse the spell, Bobby finally reveals how despairing his paralysis has made him, and reveals that he wishes he had the courage to kill himself.
Lia, Patrick's partner, gives them a reversal spell. As Dean and Bobby undertake to do it, Sam stalls Patrick by playing cards against him. When the spell fails, Dean's life is in the balance as Sam plays for real; finally winning.
Dean tells Bobby that he is still valued - both as a hunter and as family.
5.10 Abandon All Hope...
Sam, Dean, Jo, Ellen and Castiel gather at Bobby's place after retrieving the Colt from Crowley. He insists on taking a portrait of the group to remember everyone by.
During the hunt, Dean contacts Bobby over a CB radio and informs him that Jo is badly wounded and they are trapped. Bobby has figured out that Lucifer is in town to raise Death and warns Sam and Dean.
After the attempt fails, and Jo and Ellen are dead, Bobby burns the photo in a re-creation of the Hunter's Funeral Pyre.
5.15 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
Death comes to Bobby's town of Sioux Falls and raises the dead, including KAren, Bobby's dead wife. He tries to convince Sam & Dean to leave the town alone, he wants to keeps his wife. But after she begins to turn, he has no choice but to kill her. Karen came to warn Bobby though, that because he's helping Sam say "no" to Lucifer, Death has his eye on him. Dean tries to comfort by saying that at least he got to see his wife again. Bobby replies that it only made her death "a thousand-times worse".
5.18 Point of No Return
Team Free Will gathers at Bobby's place as he tries to help find an alternative to Dean being Michael's vessel, Dean lashes out at him. Bobby states that every morning he thinks about killing himself, but doesn't because he promised Dean he wouldn't give up. Later, Dean is held in Bobby's panic room. The angel's manage to snatch Adam from Bobby's, after he reveals to Zachariah where he is in a dream. Later, when Sam decides to take Dean with him to rescue Adam, even though Dean says he will use the opportunity to say "yes" to Michael, Sam reveals that neither Castiel or Bobby have faith that Dean will do the right thing.
5.20 The Devil You Know
Sam and Dean begin the episode on the trail of Pestilence, posing as CDC agents at a hospital hit with a swine flu outbreak. The doctor reports there have been 70 cases in a day and a half. Dean notes that the timing of the outbreak coincides with when "those statues started crying." Bobby later tells them over the phone that this is the fourth town that they know of that Pestilence has hit, but they are no closer to finding him.
Sam later calls Bobby and asks him how he took control of his body when he was possessed by a demon in 5.01 Sympathy for the Devil. Sam suggests he wants to try consenting to possession from Lucifer and then try to take control of his body in order to trap him in Lucifer's Cage. Bobby angrily dismisses the idea, saying they had just talked Dean out of consenting to possession by Michael. He also says what he did was a million-to-one, and notes he was possessed by a demon, while Sam would be under control of Lucifer.
Bobby is talking on the phone with Rufus Turner discussing possible omens for Death when Crowley appears in his home. Crowley tells Bobby he can help them find Death, but he needs to make a deal for Bobby's soul to pull it off. Bobby is resistant to the idea, but Crowley assures him that it will be temporary and that he will give Bobby back his soul after it's done.
5.21 Two Minutes to Midnight
Bobby has sold his soul to Crowley in order to find out where Death is, although Crowley states he intends to return it and is only keeping it as "insurance" so that Sam and Dean don't turn on him.
As they prepare to go and stop the distribution of the Croatoan virus, Castiel laments his new found humanity and how useless he now feels, although Bobby quickly reprimands him for these thoughts considering he is still trapped in a wheelchair. Sam ponders how complicated their lives have gotten, and remembers the old days when they used to "just hunt wendigos." Crowley gives Dean Death's scythe in order to kill Death and also reveals that he gave Bobby back the use of his legs in their deal.
Sam, Bobby and Castiel arrive at the Niveus warehouse and immediately get to work stopping the trucks from leaving with the virus, however the demons inside infect a number of people with the Croatoan virus to attack them. Sam rushes through the warehouse quickly looking for survivors and dispatching the infected.
After Dean has obtained Death's ring, Dean places the four rings in position and they immediately magnetize. Dean tells Bobby he actually lied to Death about being ok with Sam saying "yes." Although Dean says they can't believe Death, Bobby is not so sure. Bobby tells Dean that he watched Sam save almost a dozen people back at the warehouse and he never let up for even a moment. He admits to Dean that they've always been unjustly hard on Sam even though, through all the criticism, Sam has been fighting hard since he was twelve years old.
Bobby also says he knows that Sam has got a deep darkness in him but he also has a lot of good in him too, which he knows will mean Sam will either beat Lucifer or die in the process. Dean says he knows this which prompts Bobby to ask what he is afraid of more: losing the war or losing Sam.
5.22 Swan Song
Omens lead Sam, Dean, Bobby and Castiel to Detroit, where Lucifer had always predicted Sam would say yes. They arrive in Detroit, and after saying goodbye to Castiel and Bobby, Sam drinks the demon blood, and he and Dean go to confront Lucifer.
After Sam is taken over by Lucifer; Dean, Castiel and Bobby watch the news, as disasters occur across the world - the Apocalypse is beginning. Both Castiel and Bobby seem without hope. Dean calls Chuck who tells Dean the confrontation between Michael and Lucifer will take place at Stull Cemetery near Lawrence in Kansas, where the boys first lived. Dean prepares to head there, telling the others that he won't let Sam die alone.
In Stull Cemetery, Lucifer faces Michael who appears using Adam as a vessel. Dean arrives in the Impala, Def Leppard's "Rock of Ages" blaring. Dean tries to talk to Sam, inside Lucifer, but Michael tells him it's not his fight anymore. Castiel arrives tossing burning Holy Oil on Michael causing him to vanish temporarily. Lucifer turns and disintegrates Castiel, and then as Bobby shoots him, he snaps his neck.
After Sam throws himself with Lucifer and Michael into Lucifer's Cage, Castiel reappears, his angelic powers restored. He heals Dean and resurrects Bobby.
Chuck tells us in voiceover that Dean and Bobby won't see each other for a very long time, and that a week later Bobby will be hunting a rugaru outside Dayton.
6.01 Exile on Main St.
When they are attacked by djinns, Dean takes Lisa and Ben to Bobby's home for protection. He is shocked to learn Bobby has known that Sam has been back for a year.
6.04 Weekend at Bobby's
One year ago, Bobby summoned Crowley and, since Lucifer had been defeated, demanded the return of his soul. Crowley refused and smugly quoted his contract, which stated that he only had to "make best efforts" to give Bobby his soul back. He agreed to give Bobby ten years of life, but that was all.
In the present day, Sam and Dean are on the trail of a monster in Wisconsin and they call Bobby for help. Even though Bobby says that he's busy, he spends hours researching, going so far as to break into a University library to find a book that he needs. It's early morning the next day when he calls Dean to tell him that they're hunting a lamia. After he's off the phone, Bobby goes down to his basement, where he has a crossroads demon tied up and caught in a Devil's trap. He wants to know Crowley's true name - the name he had as a human before he died and became a demon in hell - so he tortures the demon by using a blowtorch to singe its bones. Finally, she admits that Crowley, who is now the King of Hell, was a Scottish man named Fergus MacLeod in life. Once Bobby has the information he needs, he burns the demon's bones, killing it and its host.
After killing the demon, Bobby answers phones and backs up other hunters posing as various law enforcement until Rufus knocks on his door. Rufus needs Bobby's help burying the body of an okami. They bury the body on Bobby's property and Rufus leaves just before Sheriff Jody Mills shows up with an FBI agent, Agent Adams. Agent Adams is looking for Rufus. Dean calls while the FBI agent is there and asks for help killing the lamia because they couldn't kill it with a silver knife blessed by a priest. Bobby tells him to find salt and rosemary and "blend the herbs, sauté over a high heat, and cook well," and hangs up when Dean kills the lamia. Agent Adams is persistent, and Sheriff Jody Mills tries to distract him, but Adams finds the spot where the Okami was buried. Fortunately, there is no longer any evidence of a crime because the okami is gone. Unfortunately, Rufus didn't stab it enough times to kill it, and it is loose.
While Bobby was interrogating the crossroads demon, Marcy Ward rang his doorbell with a homemade peach cobbler. She has been his neighbor for six months now, and seems to be interested in him romantically, asking him over for dinner and a movie and then, when he seemed hesitant, asking him to come over and take a look at her wood chipper, which has broken down. When he learns that the okami might be after her, he breaks down her door with a shotgun, scaring her, but drawing out the okami, which had been waiting in her bedroom to kill her. He kills the okami by pushing it through Marcy's (obviously functioning) wood chipper, and Marcy is covered in blood. Bobby still tries to salvage a relationship with her, but she turns him down. Afterwards, Rufus thanks Bobby for helping him with the Okami and tells him what his contacts in Scotland have learned about Fergus MacLeod, aka Crowley. Crowley had a son named Gavin MacLeod, who's signet ring is now on display in a museum in Andover. Rufus steals the ring for Bobby, but is arrested.
Meanwhile, Bobby has been getting flak from Dean, who feels like Bobby is being selfish because he doesn't have time to listen to his worries about Sam. Bobby gets angry and has Dean put him on speaker so that he can talk to both Sam and Dean at once:
Bobby: Sam, Dean, I love you like my own. I do. But sometimes you two are the whiniest, most self-absorbed sons of bitches I ever met. I'm selfish? Me? I do everything for you. Everything! You need some lore scrounged up, you need your asses pulled out of the fire, you need someone to bitch to about each other, you call me and I come through every damn time! And what do I get for it? Jack! With a side of squat!
Dean: Bobby -
Bobby: Do I sound like I'm done? Now look, I know you've got issues. God knows, I know. But I got a news flash for you: you ain't the center of the universe. Now, it may have slipped your mind, but Crowley owns my soul, and the meter is running, and I will be damned if I am gonna sit around and be damned! So how about you two sack up and help me for once?
As a favor to Bobby, Sheriff Mills extradites Rufus and allows him to "escape custody" so that Rufus can deliver the signet ring to Bobby. Bobby uses the ring to summon Gavin's ghost, and they "have a chat." He then summons Crowley, who arrives and discovers he is trapped in a Devil's trap. Crowley repeats his position that he won't give Bobby his soul, but Bobby counters by revealing his son Gavin's ghost. Fergus, aka Crowley, and Gavin hated each other, and Gavin gave Bobby all the information he wanted about Crowley, including where his bones were buried. Bobby then hands Crowley the phone so that he can talk to Dean, who tells him that he and Sam are standing over Crowley's bones in Scotland. Bobby makes Crowley an offer: his bones in exchange for Bobby's soul, and Crowley agrees. Bobby makes sure that he will still have the use of his legs before releasing him from the Devil's trap. Crowley appears in Scotland moments later, picks up his bones, and disappears. Bobby then thanks Sam and Dean for flying to Scotland and helping him get his soul back. He also apologizes for the things he said earlier in the episode, but Sam and Dean tell him that he was right and that they had been taking him for granted.
6.06 You Can't Handle the Truth
Dean calls Bobby and confides in him about Sam's questionable actions in 6.05 Live Free or Twihard. He asks Bobby to research possible causes for Sam's strange behavior because he is convinced that his brother is not himself, but Bobby can't find anything specific and is worried that Sam has simply changed into a colder, less compassionate person.
After Dean invokes Veritas' curse, he calls Bobby to test it. Bobby is compelled to tell Dean a few interesting truths, including the fact that Bobby occasionally gets a pedicure. Dean hangs up when Bobby starts discussing his first girlfriend, who "turned out to be a-"
6.08 All Dogs Go to Heaven
After discovering that a dog, Lucky, is a skinwalker, Sam calls Bobby for an update on skinwalker characteristics.
6.11 Appointment in Samarra
Dean informs Sam and Bobby about his deal with Death to return Sam's soul if Dean can wear his ring and perform his duties for a full twenty four hours. Sam tries to prevent Dean from getting Death's ring, which was buried on Bobby's property, but Dean gets there first. He asks Bobby to watch Sam for him, and then disappears after putting on Death's ring.
Sam sneaks away to summon the angel Balthazar, who tells him that he can prevent the return of his soul if he pollutes his body using a spell. The spell requires Sam to commit patricide...but he does not need to kill his blood father; a surrogate father will do. Sam returns to Bobby's house, claiming that he just went for a drive. The two play cards, and Bobby offers to get Sam a beer. Sam quietly follows Bobby into the kitchen, but Bobby knocks him out before he can attack. Sam comes to and escapes before Bobby can imprison him.
The two hunters stalk each other through the house. Bobby hides in his hall closet and Sam attacks the door with an axe. Cornered, Bobby triggers a trap door beneath Sam, who crashes into the basement below. Bobby and Sam talk through the locked door.
Sam manages to break out while Bobby is speaking. Bobby follows a trail of blood in search of Sam, but Sam comes up behind him and incapacitates Bobby with a whack to the head. Bobby awakes tied to a chair above spell glyphs painted on the floor. Sam holds a large knife and raises it to kill Bobby, but Dean reappears and attacks Sam, saving Bobby.
Bobby and Dean tie Sam up in the panic room. They discuss his fate in grim terms, as both of them know that Sam will eventually escape, and that he could do anything. Death appears to Dean, and to his surprise agrees to return Sam's soul despite Dean's failure. Death disappears, and then reappears in the panic room. Bobby and Dean watch in shock as Death pushes Sam's soul back into his body while Sam screams in agony.
6.12 Like a Virgin
Ten days after Death returns his soul, Sam wakes up, enters Bobby's living room, and hugs both Dean and Bobby. He has no memory of the last year and a half. Dean is glad, and is willing to let Sam believe that he has just now been returned to Earth. Bobby and Dean discuss that matter later in the salvage yard. Bobby is in favor of telling the truth, insisting that Sam will find out the truth eventually, and he deserves to hear the truth from them. He agrees to remain quiet as Dean persists. Bobby is having difficulty moving past soulless Sam's attempt to kill him, and is not sure that this Sam is entirely separate from the previous version.
Bobby finds an incident involving kidnapped girls that has supernatural overtones, and he and Dean plan to investigate. Sam asks to go along, and Bobby backs away from the hunt, giving an excuse about needing to man the phones for Rufus Turner. Dean calls Bobby later when they speculate that dragons are behind the disappearances. Bobby calls back with the name of an expert, Dr Visyak. It appears that Bobby and the doctor had a relationship, which she accuses Bobby of messing up. Sam calls Bobby for help in finding the dragons' layer, and though he asks, Bobby remains silent on the last year and a half.
Sam and Dean return to Bobby's house after freeing the victims with an unusual book. Bobby determines that it is made of human skin. He is able to read some of it, though the Latin is obscure and difficult. He finds references to Purgatory, and to the "mother of all".
6.13 Unforgiven
Dean calls Bobby to find out if he's learned anything more about Mother. We do not hear from Bobby himself, but Dean tells Sam what Bobby says: he doesn't have anything solid and things are quiet.
6.16 ...And Then There Were None
Bobby tells Sam and Dean about a string of supernatural activity along I80 which has culminated in murders in Sandusky, Ohio. While they are tracking investigating the deaths they also encounter Rufus, who joins in the hunt. However things get tense when they encounter Samuel and Gwen Campbell. The creature responsible for the deaths - the Khan Worm - infects Dean who kills Gwen, and then it infects Samuel. Finally it infects Bobby who kills Rufus while possessed. Sam and Dean restrain the possessed Bobby, which speaks to them using Bobby's voice. Finally they kill it by electrocution.
After the creature is killed, Bobby, Sam and Dean bury Rufus. As cremation is not undertaken in the Jewish tradition, Rufus is buried, in what is obviously a Jewish cemetery, rather than given a Hunter's Funeral Pyre. Bobby pours some of Rufus' favourite drink - Johnny Walker Blue Label - on the grave before taking a drink himself.
6.17 My Heart Will Go On
In an alternate timeline created when Balthazar saves the Titanic, Bobby is married to Ellen, and they live together at the renamed B&E Salvage. At the beginning of the episode Bobby has not been sleeping since the death of Rufus, and is researching and drinking in his living room. Sam and Dean try to convince him to take it easy, but he will not listen to them, and is not interested in going with them on their next job. Ellen arrives after the brothers leave, and starts putting things in order. Sam and Dean call Bobby later about their case, and reveal that if the Titanic sinks, Ellen and Jo die. Distressed, Bobby insists that the one thing they must do is keep this timeline intact. Later, when Ellen suggests that the ship needs to be sunk, Bobby reveals her fate, and admits that he does not want to lose her.
At the end of the episode, with the timeline restored, Sam and Dean find Bobby alone is his living room, sleeping on his sofa. Dean covers him with a blanket.
6.18 Frontierland
Bobby accompanies Sam and Dean to the Campbell Compound, where they search the family library for ways of defeating Eve. Bobby finds a mention of phoenix ashes as a weapon against "mother", and Dean finds Samuel Colt's journal, which records that the Colt killed a phoenix in 1860. Dean prays for Castiel. At first only his lieutenant Rachel appears, but Castiel eventually comes and agrees to transport Sam and Dean back in time to collect the ashes, but warns them that they can have only twenty-four hours, or they will be trapped. He then instructs Bobby to pray for him as the deadline approaches. Bobby starts a timer.
Some time later a wounded Castiel appears on Bobby's kitchen floor and draws a blood sigil on his refrigerator. Bobby asks if they are fighting or running, and tries to help Castiel to his feet, but the angel passes out and Bobby lays him on a sofa. When he wakes, Bobby asks what the sigil was for, and Castiel reveals that it wards off angels. He tells Bobby that Rachel attacked him.
Bobby reminds him that it is almost time to bring back the Winchesters, but Castiel has been too weakened by the fight. The only way to retrieve them is for him to touch Bobby's soul, and tap its power, but he could cause Bobby to explode. Bobby agrees to take the risk for Sam and Dean. He sits with a belt between his teeth as Castiel reaches into his chest.
Sam and Dean return without the ashes and ask to be sent back, but Castiel and Bobby are not strong enough to make that possible. Suddenly a delivery man arrives at Bobby's door with a package from Samuel Colt, who arranged for the ashes to be delivered 150 years later.
6.19 Mommy Dearest
Bobby goes with Sam, Dean, and Castiel to Grant's Pass to face off against Eve. The town shows no obvious signs of trouble, so Bobby uses an iPod to search for any unusual occurrences. He finds the case of Ed Bright, which was reported to the CDC by a local doctor. Sam and Bobby go to the doctor's house, but he is missing. A sheriff's officer arrives and questions them, so they pretend to be FBI. Bobby asks the officer to put out an APB on the doctor, and promises to drop by the station later to talk.
Later, the four go to a bar where Eve has made hybrid monsters which quickly died. Sam, Cas, and Bobby are caught by the sheriff's officers and taken to the station. Sam realizes the officers are monsters, and with a surprise attack from Dean they manage to overpower them. Sam and Dean leave to deliver two apparently innocent boys to their uncle. Bobby interrogates and tortures the lone surviving hybrid with Castiel. The angel asks to be left alone with the officer, and emerges a few moments later with Eve's location.
Bobby and Castiel wait outside the diner where Eve is hiding, but are captured by her minions and brought inside. Dean tricks and kills Eve, but she first reveals that Crowley is alive, and that one of the boys Sam and Dean 'saved' is a monster. They go after the kids, and Bobby finds their bodies behind a door, with evidence of demons. After Castiel leaves, Sam and Bobby suggest that if Crowley is alive, Castiel must be involved.
6.20 The Man Who Would Be King
Bobby tortures a demon for information on Crowley's whereabouts, and cautions Sam and Dean that while Castiel has helped them in the past, they may be dealing with a "a Superman who's gone darkside." The demon he is tormenting gives up the name Ellsworth, a demon who can lead them to Crowley. The three go looking for the demon, but when they get there the place is empty. Three of Crowley's minions attack, and Castiel appears, saving them. The four discuss the situation, and Castiel accidentally reveals that he has been spying on them by repeating Bobby's "Superman" comment. He leaves, and when they later pray for his return, Bobby traps him in a circle of holy fire. They argue, and when a cloud of demons appears Sam, Dean, and Bobby flee at Castiel's insistence. Bobby later puts Enochian sigils on the windows of his home to keep out Castiel, but there are some errors in the marks.
6.21 Let It Bleed
Bobby discovers that Castiel made off with one of the Campbell family diaries, but Bobby, a self-described "paranoid bastard", made a copy. The book retells the attempt by H.P. Lovecraft to open a portal to another dimension. He investigates Lovecraft while Dean and Sam try to find Lisa and Ben, who have been kidnapped by Crowley. Bobby meets with a Lovecraft collector, Judah, posing as a magazine writer. He discovers that Castiel got there first. Judah had a number of letters written by Lovecraft, but when Bobby asks to see them, they are missing. He then meets with a man named Westborough, who was a boy staying at Lovecraft's house the night the portal opened. Castiel has also spoken to him. Bobby asks about the portal, and Westborough says the portal did open, and that something invisible came through, possessing his mother. Bobby expresses his sympathy, and Westborough shows him a picture of his mother. Bobby recognizes Eleanor Visyak.
He finds her at a cabin, and shows her the picture. She admits that she came from Purgatory. Bobby feels somewhat betrayed, as the two had a relationship and she never revealed what she was. He asks her about how the portal to Purgatory was opened, but she will not answer, as she is afraid of what could happen. Bobby warns her that Castiel is looking for her, and that if he could find her, an angel could. She says that he cannot protect her. She is her own best hope.
6.22 The Man Who Knew Too Much
Bobby receives a call from Eleanor, and takes Sam and Dean to meet with her in an alley. They find. her dying. She tells them she was tortured by a demon and an angel, and was forced to reveal the ritual that will open Purgatory. She dies, and Castiel appears behind them. He says he is sorry that this was necessary, and that Crowley got carried away. A furious Bobby does not believe him. Castiel touches Sam's face, removing the wall in his mind.
Bobby and Dean take Sam to the panic room and cover it with angel proofing. Bobby reminds Dean that Castiel wants them distracted by what is happening to Sam, and that they need to be prepared to stop Castiel and Crowley. Balthazar arrives and gives them Castiel's location. He is not prepared to take them there, however. Bobby and Dean leave Sam in the room, and take the Impala to the address they have been given. They see angels guarding the building. As the scout it, a cloud of demons rockets into sight. They climb back into the car for cover, and the cloud flips them over and then attacks the angels.
Bobby and Dean manage to climb out, and sneak into the building. Crowley and Raphael are attempting the ritual to open Purgatory, and they attempt to kill Raphael with an angel sword. Raphael catches the thrown blade, and Crowley knocks them down telekinetically. They complete the ritual, but nothing happens. Castiel arrives, having conducted his own successful ritual. Crowley vanishes, and Castiel kills Raphael. In the conversation that follows, Castiel reveals that he will not give up the souls he has taken in, and Sam tries unsuccessfully to kill him. Castiel says that he is a new god, and tells Sam, Dean, and Bobby to venerate him, or be destroyed.
7.01 Meet the New Boss
In the aftermath of Castiel's transformation, Bobby, after a moment's pause, gets down on his knees to appease the angel, and orders the Winchesters to do the same. Castiel stops them, and tells Bobby to stand, because they only fear him, and do not love him. He leaves, and Bobby, Sam and Dean retreat to Bobby's house. Bobby helps Dean repair the Impala while watching for signs of Castiel's appearances. Together, the three of them decide to bind Death in order to defeat Castiel, and after summoning Crowley for information, they set about working the spell. Bobby locates a fulgarite, one of the ingredients they need, and they break into the owners' house to get it. Bobby reads the incantation, and Death appears, irritated and bound. Castiel also arrives, but frees Death before he can be killed.
Later, Sam prays to Castiel to come to them before it is too late. Castiel listens, and arrives at Bobby's house. They all return to Crowley's lab. They prepare the ritual to reopen Purgatory; Bobby encourages Castiel, who is being torn apart by the things inside him, to hold on with a pat on the shoulder. Bobby reads the incantation, and Purgatory opens, allowing Castiel to give up the souls. He slumps to the ground, and Bobby suspects him to be dead, but Castiel awakens. Before they can leave, his body is taken over by Leviathans who have remained inside him. The creatures throw Bobby and Dean around the room.
7.02 Hello, Cruel World
The leviathans occupying Castiel's vessel are causing him to melt away quickly, so they retreat to the local reservoir. Bobby, Dean, and Sam follow in time to see Castiel disappear and a film of leviathans spread out in the water, going in all directions. Once again, they retreat to Bobby's house to regroup. Bobby and Dean question Sam about his disappearance at Crowley's lab, and discover that he is hallucinating, seeing Lucifer. They try to help him understand that Lucifer is not real. In his kitchen, Bobby asks Dean how he is doing in the midst of Castiel's disappearance and likely death, and Sam's trauma. Dean tries to brush it off, but Bobby is not fooled.
Bobby stays with Sam to work the phones and watch the younger Winchester while Dean goes to investigate a case. While Dean is gone, Bobby gets a call on his personal cellphone from Sheriff Jody Mills, who is recovering from an appendectomy at the local hospital. She has seen a doctor eating a patient, and knows it is Bobby's kind of thing. Bobby goes to the hospital and gets the sheriff out, sending her home in a cab before returning to investigate. He finds the body of the sheriff's hospital roommate in the morgue, opens her up, and sees that her organs are missing. A leviathan comes after him in the morgue. Bobby shoots him with silver buckshot, but with little effect. Bobby retreats and calls the Winchesters from the car, telling them he is on his way home with a monster chasing him. They agree to meet him.
When the brothers arrive, the house is a smoking ruin, and there is no sign of Bobby.
7.03 The Girl Next Door
Dean and Sam are taken to Sioux Falls General Hospital for treatment. Sam is unconscious and Dean, after having his broken leg set, is drugged. Bobby appears in Dean's room, posing as a hospital administrator. He tells Dean to meet him in the ambulance bay and tosses him a pair of crutches. Bobby leaves to find Sam, and discovers him on a gurney being wheeled away from an MRI. Bobby assumes control of the gurney, saying that Sam's medical insurance has lapsed and he will be sent to the county hospital for treatment instead. He puts a still unconscious Sam in the back of an ambulance, and nervously waits for Dean to appear. Two leviathans spot the ambulance, and start running toward it. Dean climbs in the passenger seat and they speed away just in time.
Three weeks later, Bobby is in hiding with the brothers at Rufus's cabin in Montana. He is maintaining contact with his network of hunters to follow the Leviathans' movements. Bobby leaves the brothers to start reassembling the library he lost in the destruction of his house; Bobby kept copies of his rarest books hidden.
When Sam disappears to work a case on his own, Bobby encourages Dean to trust him in spite of his continued mental lapses. He calls Sam several times himself, but gets no answer.
The brothers are on their way to rendezvous with him at the end of the episode.
7.04 Defending Your Life
Sam contacts Bobby to research some symbols recorded by a victim. Bobby finds that they are Egyptian, and associated with Osiris. His research also suggests that Osiris can be made dormant if stabbed with a ram's horn. Bobby is traveling, and has recovered some of his library.
7.05 Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Sam and Dean consult with Bobby by phone about witches. He finds a spell for them, but unfortunately they use spoiled chicken feet, and the spell fails. At the end of the episode, Sam and Dean are headed to a rendezvous with Bobby, the bound Chet in the back seat.
7.06 Slash Fiction
Bobby has Chet strapped to a chair in the basement of Rufus's cabin. He has been trying every weapon, from shotguns to acid, in unsuccessful attempts to kill the Leviathan. Chet is happy to answer his questions despite the attacks because he does not feel threatened. When Bobby sees a news report about a killing spree in which Sam and Dean are suspects, Chet volunteers that the leviathans shapeshifted into the brothers using hair from their hotel rooms. Bobby sends the brothers off to Frank Devereaux, who can make them new fake IDs. He then goes back to work on Chet, who mocks all his efforts until Bobby beheads him with a machete.
There is a knock at the cabin door, and Bobby discovers Sheriff Mills behind it. He is puzzled, and does not know how to react when she invites herself in, and offers to help out around the cabin to repay Bobby for saving her at the hospital. Bobby heads back to the basement as she starts fixing a meal, and sees Chet's head reattaching itself to his body. He speaks with Sam and Dean, who are on their way to stop their Leviathan selves, and tells them that beheading will slow down the Leviathans, but is not a permanent fix.
Bobby accidentally brushes against Chet while wiring him for electric shocks, and Chet transforms into Bobby. He starts taunting Bobby about his life, which Chet views as pitiful. Bobby is a dropout, a drunk like his father, and his favorite singer is Joni Mitchell, Chet jeers. The Leviathan calls him "10 pounds of sad in a 5-pound bag." And despite all his apparent cynicism, Bobby remains optimistic. Bobby, he says, is interested in Sheriff Mills, and has a faint hope that one day the two of them might end up together.
Bobby is initially irked, but grows calm. He asks the leviathan if in looking through Bobby's head it has encountered the name Robert Browning. Bobby quotes the poet: "a man's reach should exceed his grasp". He prepares to decapitate the creature again, but suddenly something drips onto it from the ceiling above. Its skin burns and it yells in pain. Bobby runs upstairs and finds Sheriff Mills on the floor with a sponge a bucket. She starts to apologize for spilling some of the liquid, but Bobby walks up and kisses her before she can say more. He then asks urgently what was in the bucket.
Later, Dean and Sam have been arrested, and Dean uses his one phone call to contact Bobby. Bobby has used the sodium borate based cleaning chemical the sheriff was using to burn Chet's body severely, and has wrapped up his severed head and put it in a box. He tells Dean to do the same to the other creatures.
The brothers incapacitate their doppelgängers, and Bobby and Jody see them declared dead on the news. As Jody is leaving Bobby thanks her, then hands her the box with Chet's head inside, and asks her to throw it off a bridge. He kisses her on the cheek, and she smiles. He then goes to get Chet's body, and bury it in concrete.
7.08 Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Suspicious of Sam's marriage to Becky Rosen, Dean calls Bobby for help, but Bobby is hunting a major nest of vampires in Oregon so he sends Garth instead despite Dean's reluctance to have another hunter that isn't Bobby help him.
7.09 How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
Bobby and the brothers are staying in an abandoned house for fear that the leviathans would be able to track them at a hotel. Locals have been eaten by a monster of some kind, and Bobby speculates that these may be attacks by the fabled Jersey Devil. Posing as FBI agents, Bobby and the Winchesters question witnesses to the attacks, and dine at the local Biggerson's Restaurant. They then head into the woods to search for the monster. Bobby does the tracking, and Dean reminds him that Bobby took them hunting - for deer - when they were children, though neither brother was willing to fire on one. They find the remains of a deputy forest ranger, and call his supervisor, who then uses his radio to call back-up. However, before he can finish his broadcast the ranger is snatched and taken into the trees. Bobby and the brothers follow, and Bobby orders them to turn off their flashlights and hold still. They hear the creature eating the ranger above them. Bobby raises his gun and focuses on the sound above. He fires, and a zombie-like creature falls to the ground.
They take it back to their base, where it wakes suddenly, apparently stunned but not killed by the first shot. All three unload their weapons at the creature, and it dies. Sam and Bobby perform a crude autopsy and find evidence of a bizarre diet and massively enlarged adrenal glands. At Dean's insistence they return to Biggerson's for dinner. Dean has been oddly obsessed with their turducken sandwich, and Bobby and Sam notice that all the other diners are equally enthralled, almost high. They take the sandwich from Dean, refusing to let him finish. They take the leftovers home, where the remains of the sandwich dissolves into a puddle of goo.
The three settle in to watch the Biggerson's for suspicious activity. In their van, Bobby talks with Sam while Dean sleeps. Sam is worried about Dean, and Bobby reminds Sam that he should save his worry for his hallucinations. Sam says he is okay, that at least he knows what he is dealing with. They follow a suspicious meat truck from the restaurant to a warehouse lab, and see the Leviathan Edgar go inside. Sam goes out to reconnoiter the building while Bobby and Dean watch the front. While they are alone, Bobby tells Dean that his fatalistic behavior is that of a soon to be dead hunter. He tells Dean that he is a hunter, that is attempt to be a regular person with Lisa and Ben failed, and he has to take what he has, because Bobby isn't ready to go to Dean's funeral.
Sam returns, and they spot Dick Roman going into the building. Bobby takes some eavesdropping equipment onto a nearby roof to catch some of what the Leviathans are saying. He sees Dick force Dr Gaines to eat himself before being captured by a couple of Leviathans. Bobby is taken inside, where Dick Roman confronts him. He is mildly impressed by humans, and is looking forward to eating Bobby. He intends to capture the Winchesters when they try to rescue Bobby. Bobby tells him the brothers are not stupid enough to walk into the Leviathan held building to rescue a lost cause like himself, but they soon hear Sam and Dean attacking Leviathans downstairs. Dick orders Bobby to stay put, and runs off to help. Bobby jumps up and looks through the paperwork on Dick's desk while grabbing one of the Leviathan's guns. He tries to steal some folders, but Dick's assistant Susan interrupts, and Bobby shoots her in the head to buy enough time to get out of the office. Bobby finds the brother squaring off with Dick, and they all start heading for the door. Sam and Dean get outside and start the van, but Bobby has to use a meat hook to get past another Leviathan. Bobby runs out and jumps in the van as Dick Roman comes out of the building and shoots at them. He hits Bobby as they speed away.
7.10 Death's Door
Near death from a head wound, Bobby is rushed to the nearest hospital by Sam and Dean. His injury is severe, with brain swelling and coma.
Inside his mind, Bobby is reliving memories. He is hunting the leviathan-made zombie in the woods with Sam and Dean, and realizes that this has already happened, and that something is terribly wrong. Bobby knows he has been shot, and is dying. Quickly, he writes down a series of numbers that he knows he must get to the boys. He suddenly finds himself in a memory with his wife, Karen. Then he is in another, hunting with Rufus. He keeps seeing a child running through his memories. Then he is with Sam and Dean at his house, arguing about movies. He is still confused, until a reaper appears. The creature tells him that his time is up.
Bobby runs back to the memory with Rufus. He tries to ask for his friend's help, but they are stopped by a fight with a ghost. Bobby recalls that on this hunt Rufus had a near death experience, and asks him about it in yet another memory. Rufus tells him to seek out his worst memory, because if he faces it, he can wake up. Rufus agrees to go with him, even if he is only a memory.
Bobby and Rufus return to his memory of Karen. They are in Bobby's bedroom, and she is crying. He has told her that he does not want children, and she is heartbroken. He tells her he "breaks everything he touches." In her distress she drops her wine glass and steps on the fragments, cutting her heel. Bobby tells Rufus that this was his greatest regret. His wife was possessed only three days later, and he would have said anything to please her if he'd only known what was waiting.
He tries a door as instructed by Rufus, but this was not Bobby's worst memory, and they end up in a park. Bobby is with a young Dean, and hands him a baseball glove. They play catch. Bobby and Rufus are then in Bobby's house, watching him talk on the phone. Through the kitchen doors, there is another memory. Bobby's mother is nervously putting food on the table, and his father looks angry. The man is drinking. The boy from his early memories runs into the room, and it is his young self. His father is angry at him for being a mess, and he sits down to the table. By accident, the boy knocks over a glass of milk. It shatters on the floor. Bobby closes the kitchen doors. Rufus asks him about it, but Bobby tells him that it was just an average night. Rufus asks him why he didn't want children, and Bobby says he was afraid he would have been like his father.
Bobby has decided to trap his reaper, and assembles the necessary ingredients for a spell, but as he does so, things are disappearing from his memory as the bullet slowly destroys his brain. With Rufus's help he manages to pin the reaper over a sigil. The reaper is impressed, but warns him the trap won't last long; it will fade as Bobby's memories do.
Reaper: Bobby... you've helped. You got handed a small, unremarkable life, and you did something with it. Most men like you die of liver disease, watching Barney Miller reruns. You've done enough. Believe me.
Bobby: I don't care!
Reaper: Why?
Bobby: Because they're my boys!
Bobby turns back to the kitchen, and opens the door.
In the memory, his mother is on the ground cleaning up the milk nervously, and chastising Bobby. His father is angry, menaces his mother, and calls Bobby a bad kid. A grown Bobby confronts him, telling him he wasn't a bad kid, that his father was the failure. In the end, Bobby says, "As fate would have it, I adopted two boys and they grew up great. They grew up heroes."
The young Bobby returns to the kitchen with a gun, and shoots his father in the head. The adult Bobby looks at the boy, and tells him that he'll bury the body in the salvage yard. His mother, still cowering on the ground, tells him that "God will punish him". Bobby tells his young self that this is the moment when he learned that most people will not be grateful for what he does. Bobby tries a door, and wakes up in the hospital.
Sam and Dean are there. He is unable to speak, but the boys see he wants something to write with. They give him a pen, and he scrawls the numbers on Sam's hand. He looks at them with a small smile, and calls them "idjits" affectionately. He falls back, and the heart monitor goes flat.
Inside his mind, Bobby has returned to the memory of Sam and Dean arguing over movies and snacks. His reaper is there, and warns him that this is the last memory he has left. Bobby comments that he saved the best for last, and watches until the brothers fade.
The reaper asks Bobby if he will stay, or if he will crossover.
7.13 The Slice Girls
Dean has taken to carrying Bobby's old flask with him. While Dean and Sam are having trouble researching the Amazons, a piece of paper with critical information on it moves suddenly into the open. Dean wonders if perhaps it is Bobby's ghost, trying to help them. Sam insists that is impossible since they cremated Bobby, but checks the room for EMF. The EMF meter registers, but the electrical wiring in the building makes the readings questionable. Sam suggests that a breeze from the open window moved the paper. Dean, however, is less than certain.
7.17 The Born-Again Identity
Dean is looking through Bobby's contact list, and calling hunters to see if they know of a faith healer who would be able to help Sam. Suddenly, Bobby's book is knocked to the floor. Puzzled, Dean picks it up, and finds a business card for Mackey.
7.18 Party On, Garth
While investigating a case, Dean and Garth get inconsistent EMF readings. Garth, playing with Dean's EMF meter, notices a spike in the field around Bobby's old flask. He asks Dean about the flask, and when Dean explains the history, Garth suggests that Bobby may still be with them. Dean counters that they gave Bobby a proper hunter's burial, cremating him. Garth counters that ghosts from people who were cremated do sometimes remain. Garth mentions the theory again to Sam at their motel room, and Sam admits that after Dean's beer disappeared shortly after Bobby's death, he too suspected that Bobby might be around. He used a spirit board secretly to try and contact Bobby, but got no response.
The hunters discover they are up against a shojo, a spirit invisible to those who are not drunk, and Dean secures a blessed samurai sword with which to kill it. When it next attacks, Dean is still sober, and the shojo knocks the blade away from him. He cannot reach it, but something moves the sword toward to him, allowing him to continue the fight and kill the creature.
After the case is solved and Garth leaves, the brothers discuss the odd occurrences that have made them suspect Bobby might still be present: the beer, the paper that helped them with the Amazons, Mackey's card, and now the sword. Sam thinks that since Bobby, who knows what it would take to do so, has not contacted them, they are wishing for his presence so much that they are imagining that he is near.
As they leave their hotel room, Bobby's ghost materializes, and watches them head out the door. After a few moments, Dean realizes the flask is still in the room. He returns for it, despite looking right at him he walks past Bobby without seeing him. Bobby pleads for Dean to notice him, but he doesn't, and leaves again. Bobby disappears.
7.19 Of Grave Importance
Bobby has been trying to get Sam and Dean's attention for a long time. He tries again by moving a curtain, but they are not looking in the right direction. The brothers are trying to find another hunter, Annie Hawkins, who has some of Bobby's books, and offered to return them. Annie disappeared on a case, so the brothers follow her trail to the Van Ness House. Bobby is able to tag along, once Dean remembers to bring along Bobby's old flask in his jacket pocket. At the Van Ness House, Bobby sees a dozen or more spirits, and tries unsuccessfully to make contact, until he runs into Annie, now a ghost herself.
The two former hunters chat while Sam and Dean search. Bobby has not had an easy time being a ghost, with a hit and miss record of interacting with objects. He blacked out for two weeks after pointing Dean to the paper on Amazons. Annie and Bobby watch a more experienced ghost, Haskel Crane, move a chair effortlessly at a bar, and decide to ask for pointers. They are told that in order to move objects they must either achieve a Zen calm, or uncontrollable rage. Bobby attempts to move a candle on the bar, but cannot be calm enough. Suddenly they see an older ghost scream and run around the room in terror, in a kind of dementia; they realize that this is the future of all ghosts.
Bobby is pulled away when Sam and Dean leave with the flask. They go to the local museum, and research the house, while Bobby attempts to move a lamp. Back at the motel, Bobby tries again on some coins, still without success. He wanders into the bathroom, where Dean is taking a shower, and sees the condensation on the mirror. Focusing intently on the mirror, he manages to write "Annie trapped in house" on the mirror. The brothers see it, and ask who is there. Bobby turns a tap on for more steam, and writes his name.
The Winchesters return to the house with the flask, which Bobby lifts from Dean's pocket and places it in a bureau so that he can remain behind. Another ghost in the house, Victoria Dodd, warns the brothers that the house's former owner, Whitman Van Ness, is their murderer, and is herself destroyed. The brothers head for the cemetery, with Whitman's ghost in tow. Bobby and Annie search the house for the bodies of the spirits trapped there. The find them in a hidden room off Whitman's bedroom. Annie sees her body, and tells Bobby she wants a proper hunter's funeral, so that her spirit is laid to rest.
Whitman returns, and Annie and Bobby run from him. He tries to absorb Bobby, but Sam and Dean burn his bones before he can. Bobby collapses, unresponsive until Sam and Dean return. They can suddenly see him. He admits that he chose to stay behind. After Annie's funeral and the burning of the other corpses, the brothers chastise Bobby for his choice, saying he could have been in Heaven. Bobby disappears angrily, but listens invisible in the car as the brothers discuss whether they can work together, hunters and a ghost.
7.20 The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
Now that he is able to become visible to them, at least for brief periods, Bobby fills Sam and Dean in on the leviathan plan to create human slaughterhouses, and to cure their food of diseases to improve the stock. They are interrupted by an automatic email sent by Frank Devereaux's hard drive, which is in Dick Roman's possession, in the process of being hacked by Charlie Bradbury. Bobby suggests that they find a away to get his flask inside the building so that he can look around, but the Winchesters decline. They find Charlie, and she agrees to help them erase the drive. She heads back to Richard Roman Enterprises, but not before Bobby sneaks the flask into her bag. He watches as she carries out the mission. Dick eventually discovers her treachery, and chases her through the building. Bobby is able to slow him and his henchmen down, throwing them about, but accidentally injures Charlie in the process.
7.21 Reading Is Fundamental
Dean sees a cup move in the brothers' room, and speculates that it is Bobby. Sam suggests he is unable to materialize because he was drained by the confrontation with Dick.
7.22 There Will Be Blood
Sam and Dean struggle to understand what exactly the Word of God mean. Bobby appears before Dean saying he feels stronger than ever and tells him that they have to obtain the blood from the ruler of fallen humanity from Crowley. Then suggest that they also need to bleed an Alpha. When Dean tells him that the only Alpha they knew is dead, Bobby breaks the mirror and insist on going after Crowley.
Later at the Alpha's residence Bobby decides to scout the mansion and finds dead vampires and a scared girl. After boys drop her off at the hotel, they decide to also leave the flask behind to prevent Bobby from going vengeful. When they leave and the girl turns out to be cooperating with vampires, Bobby is left alone in a room with TV news talking about Dick Roman. He snaps, takes the flask and possesses a maid named Louise to seek out revenge on Dick on his own.
7.23 Survival of the Fittest
Still possessing Louise, Bobby buys a machete and accidentally exorcises himself by grabbing a metal bar while trying to break into and steal a truck. Bobby tries to explain to Louise, but loses control again after seeing a newspaper talking about Dick and possesses Louise again. Bobby makes his way to SucroCorp where Sam tries to stop him, however Bobby is too far gone and tries to strangle Sam to death for his interference. However, when Bobby sees his reflection and realizes what he's become, he abandons Louise's body with a scream.
Bobby later reappears while Sam and Dean are trying to figure out which Dick is which from security cameras and angrily closes the laptop lid. Bobby tells them that while he has regained control, it's like "an itch you can't scratch out" and fears he will lose control again. Bobby asks Sam and Dean to burn his flask and to kill Dick, but for the job not vengeance like he tried. He also tells them to move on when they die and not stay like he did. They comply with his wishes and sadly watch as Bobby goes up in flames after promising to see them on the other side, but hopefully not too soon.
8.06 Southern Comfort
Garth has taken up Bobby's place since Sam and Dean disappeared for a year. He carries multiple cell phones around, presumably like Bobby's phones and gives advice like Bobby did, wears one of Bobby's old hats sometimes and uses some of Bobby's old phrases. According to Garth, he does this to honor Bobby who didn't just belong to Sam and Dean, he belonged to everyone. While searching for information on the type of ghost they are dealing with, Dean and Garth find what they're looking for in Bobby's Journal where he describes that a ghost leaving behind green goo is a spectre and how the one he encountered was awakened by his grave being desecrated, allowing them to figure out who the ghost is and deal with it.
8.15 Man's Best Friend with Benefits
During a case dealing with witches, Sam and Dean make a witch-killing spell to deal with the evil witch that they learned from Bobby. Dean comments that they've never actually seen the spell Bobby taught them work. Looking for possible information to exonerate their friend James Frampton, Dean searches through Bobby's files and finds a spell a witch can use to implant a false memory into another witch, showing that it is possible that James is innocent. In the end, the spell Bobby taught them works and Sam and Dean are able to kill the witch responsible, Spencer.
8.19 Taxi Driver
After learning that for the second trial to close the Gates of Hell Sam needs to rescue an innocent soul from Hell and release it into Heaven, Sam and Dean approach rogue reaper Ajay for help in sneaking into Hell. Ajay reveals that when Bobby's flask burned, he took Bobby to Hell instead of Heaven on Crowley's orders, making Bobby the perfect candidate to be rescued.
With Ajay's help, Sam makes it into Hell through Purgatory and finds Bobby who attacks him, believing that he is just another demon taking on Sam's form to taunt him. Using things only the real Sam would know, Sam convinces him of his identity and Bobby hugs him before asking if Sam is there because he died. After being told that it is a rescue, Bobby eagerly leaves his cell with Sam and is given Ruby's knife to defend himself. When three demons attack, Bobby kills two, but gets confused as the last demon takes on Sam's form. Taking a guess, Bobby stabs one and luckily kills the demon and not Sam.
Bobby and Sam escape Hell into Purgatory, but find no sign of Ajay and are trapped as Crowley has killed him. Sam explains to Bobby what happened while he was in Hell and Bobby is shocked to find out that Dean survived a year in Purgatory and Sam didn't look for him. When Sam explains that he and Dean have agreed never to look for each other if separated like that, Bobby reminds him that Bobby himself taught them that rule and that it is crap. The two are attacked by three vampires and one gets the drop on Bobby, but he is saved by Benny. Bobby wants to attack Benny and is shocked when Sam introduces him as a friend of Dean's, not understanding how Dean has a monster friend. Benny leads them to the portal out where Bobby enters Sam's arm for the trip to Earth after being warned not to stick around for another goodbye when he is released. Thanks to Benny sacrificing himself to hold off more vampires, Sam escapes to Earth with Bobby's soul.
On Earth, Sam casts a spell and releases Bobby's soul towards Heaven, but his soul is intercepted by Crowley who intends to take him back to Hell. Unexpectedly, the angel Naomi intervenes, drives off Crowley and releases his hold on Bobby's soul, allowing Bobby to finally ascend into Heaven where he belongs.
9.01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here
When Sam is in a coma and near death, his subconscious desire to die and move on manifests in the form of Bobby. When "Dean," Sam's desire to live manifesting itself talks back against him, "Bobby" causes him to disappear, leaving him alone with Sam. "Bobby" talks with Sam about how he has saved many lives and his life isn't for nothing. "Bobby" leads Sam to a house in the woods where he says what Sam needs to move on is before being killed by "Dean" who tries one last time to convince Sam to fight. However, Sam decides to take "Bobby's" advice and die.
- Bobby's Hats
- Bobby's House
- Karen Singer
- Bobby's Panic Room
- Bobby's Car and Bobby's Truck
- Bobby's Storage Unit
- Rumsfeld
- Idjit
- Jim Beaver
- Ed Singer
- Bobby's Mom
- Bobby's Numbers: 454895
- Bobby Singer's Guide to Hunting
- Singer_Salvage
- @HadAWeekendOff - Bobby Singer roleplaying account on Twitter
- @Bob_Singer - Bobby Singer role playing account on Twitter.