
Name: Ruby


Dates: ???? - 1350s (original death); ???? - 2008 (killed by Dean)

Occupation: Demon


  • 3.01 The Magnificent Seven
  • 3.02 The Kids Are Alright
  • 3.04 Sin City
  • 3.09 Malleus Maleficarum
  • 3.12 Jus in Bello
  • 3.16 No Rest for the Wicked
  • 4.01 Laarus Rising
  • 4.02 Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
  • 4.03 In the Beginning
  • 4.04 Metamorphosis
  • 4.09 I Know Wht You Did Last Summer
  • 4.10 Heaven and Hell
  • 4.12 Criss Angel Is a Douchebag
  • 4.14 Sex and Violence (voice only)
  • 4.16 On the Head of a Pin
  • 4.20 The Rapture
  • 4.21 When the Levee Breaks
  • 4.22 Lucifer Rising
  • 8.06 Southern Comfort (mentioned)
  • 8.12 As Time Goes By (mentioned)
  • 8.23 Sacrifice (mentioned)


Ruby is a black-eyed demon who was integral to Lucifer's plan to escape from his cage and start the Apocalypse.


Around the time of the Black Plague in 1350, Ruby was a witch who sold her soul to Tammi. She became a demon after being profusely abused and tortured in Hell. She owns a special knife that can destroy demons, although it also kills their human host (or meatsuit). Following Azazel's death, Ruby proves instrumental in releasing Lucifer from his Cage by manipulating Sam Winchester.

She initially presents herself as an ally to the Winchesters, helping them fight demons and witches, fixing the Colt and particularly by intimating to Sam that she can help break the deal Dean made with the crossroads demon with his life. She later reveals to Dean that she can't save him, but claims to want to help prepare Sam to fight the demons after Dean is dead, claiming she remembers what it is to be human and wants to fight on the side humanity. As Dean's deal is due and they try to kill Lilith, she sends Ruby back to Hell.

While Dean is in Hell, Ruby returns to Sam. Distraught with grief, he refuses to speak to her while she is possessing someone. She finds a woman in a hospital and possesses her as she is declared dead. At Sam's lowest point she seduces him.

I referenced Monster's Ball right in the script. We were asking ourselves, "Where's the lowest place Sam can go in a state of despair?" That's why calling it a love scene strikes me as hilarious. It's kind of like self-mutilating and calling it getting dressed for the prom.

– Sera Gamble, Source

Ruby convinces Sam that she can help him develop his powers so he can kill Lilith and avenge Dean's death. She gets him to practice with his powers, and also gets him drinking her blood in order to enhance his powers.

After Dean's return, Sam keeps his relationship with Ruby a secret - continuing to drink her blood and develop his powers so he can kill Lilith, who is breaking the 66 Seals that are keeping Lucifer captive. Driven by a desire to prove himself capable to both Dean and himself, Sam fails to realize Ruby is using him, and rejects Dean's advice not to trust her.

When Sam finally kills Lilith, Ruby reveals that Lilith's death is the final seal, the one which will free Lucifer. She taunts him that it was not the demon's blood that has driven him down this path, but his own decisions. As Lucifer rises, Dean arrives, and kills Ruby with her own knife while Sam holds her in place from behind, a move that seems to hurt her.


3.01 The Magnificent Seven

Ruby first appears following Sam and Bobby as they track down the Seven Deadly Sins. While Bobby and Dean are fighting off Sloth and Lust, the others, led by Pride, go after Sam. The group is then joined by Ruby who gets in on the the fight and attacks the demons with a knife; the knife appears to be able to kill demons. Ruby kills two demons while Sam helps her kill a third. Ruby reveals to Sam that she knows who he is. She then disappears.

3.02 The Kids Are Alright

Ruby meets with Sam unexpectedly as he researches ways to save Dean's soul. She claims she is a hunter and talks with Sam about his past and his destiny; this sets Sam on a path to research more about his mother, Mary Winchester. Disturbed to find out all of his mother's friends are dead, Sam demands to know exactly who Ruby is. Ruby reveals that she is a demon and claims that Sam fascinates her. Ruby tells Sam that she is in the pursuit of knowledge for her own ends and is "on his side." The episode ends with her offering Sam a deal - he works with her to find out more about his destiny and she helps him save Dean's soul from the crossroads demon.

3.03 Bad Day at Black Rock

Sam tells Dean about his encounter with Ruby, although not about the information she gave him about the deaths of Mary's friends. Dean is angry that Sam didn't kill the demon, while Sam insists that they can use her to get information about the demons they are battling and Dean's deal with the crossroads demon.

3.04 Sin City

Ruby comes to Bobby while he is working on the Colt. Bobby shoots her with it, but with no effect. Ruby offers to help Bobby make it work, and they succeed - Bobby brings the Colt to a hunt Dean and Sam] are on and Sam kills two demons with it. Later, Ruby and Sam argue - Ruby threatens to take the Colt from Sam and give it to someone else who'll use it; Sam threatens Ruby with the Colt. They come to a truce again when Ruby reminds Sam that if he kills her, she can't help him save Dean's soul. She refers to herself as "the little fallen angel" on Sam's shoulder.

3.09 Malleus Maleficarum

Ruby appears to warn Sam and Dean away from the town where they are investigating a coven of witches. She tells them a demon is present that will come after Sam. Dean tries to shoot her with the Colt, but Sam intervenes. When Dean is attacked by a force that causes him to bled internally, Ruby saves him with a witch's potion. When Tammi is about to kill Sam and Dean, Ruby appears and at first acts as if she is on Tammi's side, but then tries to kill Tammi with her knife. Tammi reveals Ruby was once a witch who sold her soul to her. After Dean manages to kill Tammi with Ruby's knife, she tells him all demons were originally human, but during their time in hell they lose all trace of their humanity, but she has retained some of hers and wants to help humans. Ruby reveals to Dean that she can't save him from hell, but that she needs his help to prepare Sam to fight the demons after he is gone.

3.12 Jus in Bello

While the boys are under siege from demons while in a police station, Ruby shows up, able to get in through a salt line damaged unwittingly by the deputy. She tells them that demons are from Lilith, Sam's demonic rival from "the west," and tries to convince Sam that the solution is a spell she knows that will "vaporize" all demons within radius - including herself. However the spell requires the sacrifice of a virgin. Nancy volunteers but Dean is vehemently against the plan, instead he convinces Sam that they need to just open the doors and fight off the hoard themselves. Exasperated, Ruby leaves.

After the boys have escaped, seemingly victorious over the demons, Ruby turns up at their motel room & tells them to turn on the television, where they find out that everyone left in the police station was killed by Lilith.

3.16 No Rest for the Wicked

In an last attempt to save Dean from his deal, Sam summons Ruby. She tells him that he contains the power necessary to defeat Lilith, but Dean intervenes and in the ensuing struggle traps her beneath a devil's trap and steals Ruby's knife.

Ruby escapes and tracks the boys to the house where Lilith is tormenting a family. On entering the house they find the little girl Lilith was possessing is human again. Sam turns to Ruby for help again, but she says it is too late to save Dean. As the hellhounds come for Dean, the boys barricade themselves in a room. Dean, who is able to see the true face of demons, realizes that the body possessed by Ruby now contains Lilith. Lilith says she has sent Ruby "far, far away."

After Lilith leaves Ruby's body, the latter is seen lying on the floor beside Dean, lifeless.

4.01 Lazarus Rising

Ruby has returned and possessed another body to walk among humans. Since Dean's death, she apparently has taught Sam to use his powers, among them the power to exorcise demons by forcing them out of their host bodies with the sheer power of his will.

4.02 Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester

Ruby has found out that Dean was saved by an angel. She tells Sam she is going to take off for while because she is scared that angels will smite her, even if she is being helpful to him.

4.03 In the Beginning

At the beginning of the episode, Sam leaves a sleeping Dean to secretly rendezvous with Ruby.

4.04 Metamorphosis

Dean finds Sam with Ruby, and witnesses him exorcising a demon. Ruby attacks Dean, but Sam warns her off, and she leaves to take the now unpossessed human to a hospital.

4.09 I Know What You Did Last Summer

In the present day, Ruby informs Sam and Dean that a woman called Anna Milton is being pursued by demons. She helps save Anna when Alastair attacks.

Dean demands Sam to tell him why he trusts Ruby. In flashback we find out that while Dean was dead Lilith had released Ruby from Hell, on the condition that she would kill Sam. She instead kills the demon with her and tells Sam she is there to help him. A grief-stricken Sam rejects her help, and demands that she vacate the body she is possessing.

Ruby then possesses the body of a woman in a coma who is brain dead, and whose soul has left her body, and returns to Sam. She offers to help Sam use his powers so he can take revenge on Lilith and he accepts. He is unsuccessful at first in exorcising demons, and becomes even more despairing. Ruby tells him things will get better with time, and seduces him. After that, Sam finds omens that lead him to Lilith and he pursues her despite Ruby's warning not to. Sam walks into a trap, and is attacked by two demons until he is rescued by Ruby. She kills one with her knife and Sam successfully exorcises the other.

She later possesses the body of a maid at the hotel where Sam and Dean are so she can warn them that demons are closing in on them.

Sam and Dean meet up with Ruby and Anna, where they are confronted by Castiel and Uriel.

4.10 Heaven and Hell

After Anna repels Uriel and Castiel; Sam, Dean, Ruby and Anna take refuge at Bobby's place. Pamela Barnes arrives and helps Anna remember that she was an angel who chose to be human. They travel to Kentucky searching for Anna's grace, only to find it gone. Anna then receives a message that unless Dean hands her over to the angels, they will send Dean back to Hell.

Ruby goes to a crossroads and reveals herself to Alastair. She offers to give up Anna, if Alastair will let her and the Winchesters go. He captures and tortures her with her own knife. She won't reveal Anna's location verbally, but she will take him there.

Ruby takes Alastair to where Anna and the boys are and the demons and angels attack each other. Anna get's her grace back from Uriel. During the process, Alastair disappears. Uriel and Castiel leave, and we find out that Ruby was part of Sam's plan to bring the demons and angels together to get them to fight each other.

4.12 Criss Angel Is a Douchebag

Ruby accuses Sam of wasting time - thirty-four of the seals have been broken. Sam says that he doesn't know where the seals are or how to stop them from being broken. Ruby counters that he needs to go after the source of the problem - Lilith. Sam refuses and Ruby leaves.

Later Sam has a conversation with Dean in which Dean says he doesn't see that he and Sam could have a happy future. This leads Sam to rejoining Ruby and the hunt for Lilith.

4.14 Sex and Violence

Ruby does not appear physically but Dean called Sam's phone and heard his voice but hangs up without saying anything.

4.16 On the Head of a Pin

Sam and Dean are heading to meet Ruby, who has some leads on Lilith, when Castiel and Uriel kidnap Dean so he can interrogate Alastair. When Ruby arrives, she uses a spell to help locate where Dean is being held. Sam then tells her that "its been weeks" and he "needs to be strong." Ruby draws a knife across her arm and Sam sucks her blood - the source of his growing powers and abilities.

4.20 The Rapture

Sam calls Ruby, desperate for more demon blood but she doesn't answer his calls.

4.21 When the Levee Breaks

After Sam escapes from Bobby's panic room and meets up with Ruby. After letting him feed on her, Ruby tells Sam there are only two or three seals left to be broken. She says only "Lucifer's first" can break the final seal - and that is Lilith. This renews Sam's desire to kill Lilith. She says she has a lead on a demon close to Lilith who is nearby.

As they prepare to leave, Dean arrives and tries to kill Ruby, but Sam stops him. Ruby leaves as the brothers start to argue.

4.22 Lucifer Rising

Ruby helps Sam capture Lilith's minion who reveals where Lilith will be. When Sam confronts Lilith, Ruby watches on with a smug smile and when Dean arrives, telekineticaly locks him out. When Dean starts to get through to Sam with his yells, Ruby yells at Sam to kill Lilith which he eventually does. After Lilith is dead, Ruby reveals to an appalled Sam that she has been working with Lilith all along to free Lucifer. She tells Sam he didn't need the demon blood, that the choices he has made all year have helped him tap into his own power.

Ruby says Sam was the only one who could brings this about but before she can say why, Dean finally breaks in and rushes forward. Ruby turns to confront him, telling him smugly "its too late." Dean doesn't care and as he charges, Sam grabs a shocked Ruby from behind and holds her in place as Dean stabs her with her own knife, killing her.

5.01 Sympathy for the Devil

When Meg appears in her new meatsuit, Dean initially assumes that she is Ruby returned before Meg encourages him to think further back.

8.06 Southern Comfort

When Dean is under the influence of a spectre, he mentions several of Sam's bad choices over the years, such as working with Ruby and drinking her blood.

8.12 As Time Goes By

After her knife fails to kill Abaddon, Henry tells Sam and Dean that they would need an "ancient demon-killing knife of the Kurds" to kill a demon and asks where they got one when Dean shows him the knife. Dean tells him that it was from a demon, but doesn't elaborate on the Winchester history with Ruby.

8.23 Sacrifice

When Sam is trying to figure out what sins to confess to purify his blood, Dean mentions Ruby among his list.


  • Casting Side for Ruby from June, 2007. This is an early draft of the final scene from 3.04 Sin City between Ruby and Sam which was used to cast the role of Ruby.
  • When Genevieve Cortese auditioned for the role of Ruby, the sides suggested it was to be waitress who would be a love interest for Sam. At Comic Con 2009, Kripke admitted he did this to stir up fans.


  • Demonology
  • Ruby's Knife
  • Ruby's Car