Ann Morton
Name: Ann Morton
Actress: None
Dates: ???? - 2013 (killed by Castiel)
Location: Lincoln Springs, Missouri
Occupation: Teacher
Episode: 8.17 Goodbye Stranger
Ann Morton was a teacher who lived in Lincoln Springs, Missouri, with her husband. She was possessed by a demon who was searching for one of Lucifer's Crypts, and then killed by Castiel.
8.17 Goodbye Stranger
The latest victim in a spate of deaths across the Midwest whose bodies were found with "severe burns around their eyes, hands, and feet; puncture wounds through the backs of their hands; eyes and internal organs liquefied."
Her husband describes Ann as having changed about a week prior to her death, saying "she was out of sorts, not herself at all." He shows Sam and Dean to the basement where a papier-mâché-like model of the town is set up, bags of dirt suspended above it.
Ann's husband says that "she stopped sleeping; she stopped eating. She went out in the middle of the night going God knows where... She would just mutter to herself... Something about an... orchard?" Worried, her husband followed her one night to a local playground, where he observed Ann digging and collecting samples of dirt. He then indicates that the suspended bags of dirt are what Ann collected. He explains that Ann would dig for hours without breaking a sweat, down into the earth, ten to fifteen feet deep.
Sometime afterwards, her husband confronted her while she was making a phone call to an unknown person, and Ann's eyes turned black, indicating demon possession. Her husband left the house for a bar, and returned to find her dead.
Before her death, the possessed Ann contacted Wendy Rice, about a map of the city, mentioning an old orchard that had gone missing.