
Name: Samandiriel

Alias: Alfie

Actor: Tyler Johnston

Dates: Before humanity - 2013 (killed by Castiel)

Occupation: Angel


  • 8.02 What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
  • 8.07 A Little Slice of Kevin
  • 8.10 Torn and Frayed


Samandiriel: You know that there are some in Heaven that believe, despite his mistakes, that Castiel's heart was always in the right place.
Dean: Are you one of them?
Samandiriel: I think too much heart was always Castiel's problem.

– Dean and Samandiriel, 8.02 What's Up, Tiger Mommy?


Samandiriel is an angel of Heaven who knew Castiel. He used a vessel called Alfie, who worked at a fast food place called Wiener Hut.


8.02 What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

Samandiriel attends the auction held by Plutus in order to protect the Word of God. He asks Dean, who refers to him by his vessel Alfie's name, about Castiel's whereabouts, and Dean tells him how they ended up in Purgatory. Samandiriel tells Dean that Castiel still has supporters in Heaven and indicates that he is one of them. He also tells Dean that he believes that too much heart was Castiel's problem.

During the auction, Samandiriel bids the Mona Lisa, and then Vatican City. However, the bidding turns to souls, and he says that angels "guard the souls in Heaven, we don't horse trade them" when Sam and Dean ask why he doesn't counter Crowley's bidding.

After the auction, Samandiriel, going by Alfie, tries to convince Linda Tran to let the angels guard her son Kevin. She refuses, as last time the angels guarding him were killed and Kevin disappeared for a year. Samandiriel accepts her choice and shows his respect for her selfless act in sacrificing her soul to save her son.

8.07 A Little Slice of Kevin

Crowley has captured Samandiriel and tortures him for information on the prophets using an angel sword. Samandiriel is certain that he will be rescued, but Crowley states that Heaven is in such disorder that they probably have not noticed his absence. Samandiriel assures him that he had given him the names of all the current prophets, and that the next generation of prophets had not been created yet. Crowley stops the torture, though without urgency, and orders a demon to keep him "on ice" as he believes they can get more out of Samandiriel.

8.10 Torn and Frayed

In Geneva, Nebraska, Samandiriel is held captive with a spike through his head to keep him from communicating with other angels. Samandiriel manages to telekinetically push out the spike and sends a distress call to Naomi, but Viggo comes in and puts the spike back in after Samandiriel pleads with him that he wasn't communicating with the other angels.

Viggo puts headgear on Samandiriel which he uses to push a bunch of spikes into his head and twist them, torturing the angel. Suddenly Samandiriel starts speaking Enochian and causes his cries to be heard by a man through a bush which catches fire and badly burns him. Viggo calls in Crowley who understands Enochian and Crowley realizes that the torture has caused Samandiriel to revert back to "factory settings" and that Viggo has tapped into his "operating system." Twisting around the spikes, Crowley listens as Samandiriel rambles in Enochian, bringing up the Word of God tablets and mentioning the demon tablet. Finally, as Sam, Dean and Castiel break in, Samandiriel reveals that there is an angel tablet. Sam and Dean fight the demons holding Samandiriel as Castiel frees him from the torture headgear and takes him outside.

Leaning against the Impala, Samandiriel is horrified and tells Castiel not to take him back to Heaven and that he has betrayed important things. Samandiriel is surprised that Castiel has no idea who Naomi is and tries to get the seriousness of the situation through to him, telling him that "they're controlling him" but Naomi orders Castiel to kill Samandiriel as he is a traitor for revealing what he did to Crowley before he can explain further. Though Castiel resists, he ultimately draws his Angel Sword and stabs Samandiriel, killing him. Under orders from Naomi, Castiel claims that Samandiriel was compromised by Crowley and attacked him and he killed him in self-defense and that he must take him back to Heaven to be laid to rest. However, Sam and Dean are suspicious of the story and Naomi really wants to examine him to find out just how much Crowley broke him.


In Mandean lore, Samandiriel is an angel associated with imagination and fertility.


  • Tyler Johnston previously played Matt Pike, the bug obsessed kid in 1.08 Bugs.

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